Friday, July 22, 2011

Hilarity Vol. II

It's funny how Jenny and I became (Jenny: heavily, me: haphazardly) involved in science research. Obviously I now assume it's because we were together when we first got started. This is what Alice's card from yesterday is referring to: lots of corruption going on in 5th hour GBE. Also, I cannot take any credit for this artwork; it was all Jenny.

How come NEJM and Nature haven't embraced this?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hilarity Vol. I

So I'm cleaning out my room in preparation for the onslaught of studying that will hopefully take place soon. Since I've started, I've discovered that being both extremely sentimental and a mild hoarder is not a good mix. I'm mostly unearthing junk that should have been thrown out years ago. However, some things I've come across are just... gold. Please click on all the photos to enlarge the hilarity.

best part: "Offer not valid when upset or mad at you" from Debbie

Jessie, when can I collect this IOU?

This one is a mess. But how little has changed in 10 years!

My favorite so far:
envelope: go gain some weight
card: the loss of the little intelligence you possess.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Silverspring by Eisley

I don't think mere words can do this cover of Stevie Nick's Silverspring its due justice. It is simply perfection.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Today is my last day of work and as with all things that come to an end, I'm feeling sentimental. In looking back, I'm thinking of everything with hazy affection, warmth, and tenderness. In life, I hope I'll always remember only good things and let everything else go like a whispery breath of air.

(Photo via weheartit)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

PW's Iced Coffee

There have been many times when I wish I could handle drinking coffee (and perhaps many more coming soon). Unfortunately, the caffeine is too fast, too furious for me, and the crash that always comes a few hours later is terrible. The only times I will risk a cup is when it's creamy and white, laden with creams and sugars, tasting like coffee ice cream.

This iced coffee looks like it might make a believer out of me. And Pioneer Woman hardly ever gets it wrong.

(Photos from the Pioneer Woman)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


"Optimism is always a risk worth taking."
(Photo by Jenny Phebe)