Thursday, November 24, 2011

"The Mystery I'm Thankful For"

"I was simply pointing to that fundamental weirdness, that "stranger-in-a-strange land" quality of being human. I was pointing to that mystery because I think its best part of the whole trip.... We just find ourselves here. With our individual birth we just "wake-up" and discover ourselves in the midst of an extraordinary world of beauty and sorrow....I will feel the mystery and be thankful to it, to them and to the world entire."
Adam Frank

The perfect find for today. Happy Thanksgiving.

(photo of Iceland via Krisatomic)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Getting to ZERO - World AIDS Day Detroit 2011 from WORLD AIDS DAY DETROIT on Vimeo.

I get chills (the good kind) when I watch this. The video is made by a classmate of mine and it's featuring many other classmates. Even more impressive is the fact that this event was founded and organized singlehandedly up until recently by a 2nd year student. Such inspiring, impassioned, and motivated people! Here they are in the news: Detroit Worlds Aids Day.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


"I just love individuals who never stay still. With all the potential that everyone has and our limited time in this world, we owe ourselves nothing less."

On the home stretch of the completion of my first block of medical school. I already passed my first class. Anatomy ends Friday. See you on the other side.

(space view of night and day - photo source unknown)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Beethoven's Emporer Concerto

I was in my school orchestra's rehearsal this past Sunday feeling worn out and tired after an entire day of studying. Of course I hadn't practiced and we were running through this concerto with our soloist for the first time. I was completely unprepared for the tears that sprang to my eyes when he played the opening arpeggios... (I'm not kidding).

I have to include the 2nd movement because it is perhaps even more gorgeous than the first.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wedding State of Mind

I've had three friends get engaged within the last couple weeks. One was just yesterday! I'm back to having weddings on my mind, dabbling in reading wedding blogs and perusing wedding photos. I'm such a fan of not only the dresses, flowers, and food, but all of the people. It's actually a little intimidating how attractive they are. Of course I know my own friends will far surpass any of these photos in beauty as they get married, but in the meantime, I play this game with myself sometimes where I try to guess if the couples are models or real people. Play with me:

Continue on for the answers.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hippos and Crates

A daily-updated blog detailing my current life. Written in the style of a true romantic and eternal optimist, I think Chris' account will be far more meaningful than most, if not any other attempts. Even as I experience the same classes, labs, and exams, it's encouraging and comforting see them through the eyes of someone who is looking past the daily minutia - one who sees so clearly the so-faint-you-swear-it-can't-really-be-there light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Plus, who doesn't love a little wordplay in a title? Thank you, Mr. VP!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Indian Summer

I always love the last of summer. To me, it's always the most magical time: sunny and warming days, leaves just beginning their fall tinge, crisp mornings melting into lingering twilights. I think the promise of summer is not yet gone and I'm still invigorated (and not jaded) by the unexplored horizons of a new school year and all the possibilities that it carries.

I was also lucky enough to see a bunch of old friends last weekend: Smurf and R pictured above at Eastern Market. Yes, I'm in shorts! And the next day, I went apple picking by Ann Arbor with A and a friend doing a Rad-Onc rotation who I haven't seen since high school. I might have to conjecture that October in Michigan is unbeatable...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Catching Up

So after a rather brutal month, I've survived the head and neck unit of Anatomy and a great deal of Embryology. I acquired (and am still recovering) a bout of self-diagnosed bronchitis and about 2 weeks straight of 5-hour nights of sleep. It is true that handling stress has never been a strong suit of mine and I'm certainly working on this. I must acknowledge and admit that a great deal of my motivation to work and study comes from sheer fear, thus making much of my stress self-induced. It keeps me honest. However, there must be a more healthy and balanced way of keeping oneself on task.

Anyway here are a few peeks into the latter half of my September.

Vitamin C for bronchitis, cramming in a jam jar of oatmeal and the boundaries of the middle ear cavity before my exam, and Korean Ohyes chococakes. Contrary to photographic evidence, my month was sadly not all food-centric. Please note the upgrade in the intensity of nerdiness compared to the last unit.

And alas, no rest for the weary. Here I go before my 8am class for Unit 3!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

You, the girl who reads

"She insists that her narratives are rich, her supporting cast colorful, and her typeface bold.... You will accept nothing less than passion, and perfection, and a life worthy of being storied."

Sent to me from my (beloved) Yunbear. She said this made her think of me and there are few compliments higher than that.

Thanks Yunbear!

PS. Throwbacks to my English Literature past-life: Syntax? Rich vocabulary? Plot? Yes, please.
PPS. The rebuttal (also from Y): You should date an illiterate boy

Friday, September 16, 2011

Hilarity Vol. III

This would be subtitled as "the WTF Edition" mostly featuring Debbie. Your news turned me around! Congratulations on your engagement! You've come a long way. And I lurve you. Again, click on the photos to enlarge.

Classy J

Scribbled on the back of a draft of my college entrance essay - bad student award to me!

(Previous volumes: 1 and 2.)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Just one of those weeks...

An emotional rollercoaster ever since the epic game this weekend. Despite its outcome, feeling overwhelmed, exhusted, and a little self-indulgent. Getting over the hump that is hump day. Be back to normal soon.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years Ago

As we continue to move forward from the devastation that changed each and every one of our lives, I can feel only be gratitude to those who have been fighting for us, attempting to make a difference, and to those who gave their lives in doing so. I've lived a very full decade since. In a hundred years from now, I don't think I'll ever feel any differently. Always remembering.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Young Blood by The Naked and Famous

Once you get past the hipster-tude of this video, I hope you will agree that this song so perfectly fits the last of this summer heat. It almost makes me forget how gloomy today's weather was and that instead of summer vacation, I've already been in school for a over a month now.

Monday, September 5, 2011

2011 Season Opener: A Time Course Study

So I survived (and passed!) my first unit of exams. I took a much needed half-week plus long-weekend to decompress. It was filled with meeting up with many old friends (like H, JJB, and a big part of 1313/1315 S. State), an unexpectedly raucous post-exam party, girls' night out, Polomba/Grenier tailgating, and Michigan Football. As you may have heard, the game was rather interesting and here are my captures of its progressions:

Sunny and HOT tailgating and game opening

Things getting weird and dark

Then, evacuation #1 (which the majority of us ignored) - see the new jumbo screen?

And then evacuation #2 (which we were not allowed to ignore)

In rain and shine, a good time was had by all. I hope everyone had an equally exciting Labor Day Weekend. Happy last weekend of summer!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Photographic Images with Contrast

Mostly I'm staring at views like this all day. Colored writing utensils askew, Anatomy Atlas within an easy reach, and my notes perpetually open with more information that I have yet to learn. Sadly, the Amaretti Almond Crunch Haagen Daaz is not a frequent (nor long-lasting) participant in my study sessions, but seriously should be.

But on a good day, I get to look at this on my drive to school and back home. And I've been lucky to enjoy many good days lately.

(Photo taken with Instagram on my iPhone)

Monday, August 15, 2011


"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'"
Mary Ann Radmacher

PS. I took this photo of the London Eye back in 2008 and used this Polaroid software on it!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Stage Fright

I really have nothing to say during the closing hours on the eve of my first day of classes. I'm calm but tired, nervous but hopeful, ready but so not ready. I remember reading Connie's poignant thoughts as she was about to embark on her own journey to law school and I recall being so moved at her fear, longing, and hope. These are emotions that I too now know.

It is so crazy to think that these were her feelings from only about 11 months ago. In less than a year, my little bear has changed so much and, to put it lightly, she has kicked absolute ass (top of her class, Law Review, etc., etc.). If I am but a fraction of the woman she is, I will be living a dream.

"Tomorrow is the beginning of an odyssey that will change my life, and I am feeling very small indeed."

Thursday, August 4, 2011

In My Father's Garden

I've gone to my Dad's garden only a few times this summer. I usually whine and complain when I go because of the uncomfortable squatting, dirty hands, and damp shoes involved. But I selfishly reap all the benefits of my father's near-daily dedication and care; we've been eating his vegetables since early June. We've had broccoli, sweet potato greens, spinach, cucumbers, dill, sweet peas, zucchinis, yellow squash, chrysanthemum greens, and a whole slew of other Chinese vegetables. There are more pumpkins, winter melons, and cauliflowers (and even one broc-cauliflower!) growing. Right now the tomatoes are just starting to turn red and soon we'll be harvesting bags and bags of them.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Baby's First Day

Today was my first day of orientation. It wasn't so bad thanks to my propensity to overreact and blow tiny things way out of proportion until they weigh so heavily in my mind like gargantuan, over-indulged baby animals at a petting zoo with no inclination of mercy from morphing into every permutation of a worst-case-scenario. I didn't meet too many people but I plan to. As I've heard from upperclassmen, almost as important as orientation itself (possibly even more so) are the nightly "orientation parties" scattered throughout Metro-Detroit allowing me to schmooze, network, and mingle with my classmates. Partying every night for a straight week. This has me more stressed than the entirety of orientation.

These suddenly inherited responsibilities are a far cry from my laughably sloth-like day-to-day existence of just a few days ago. I found myself oscillating between utter giddiness at my awesome life and then ennui and listlessness during the hottest parts of the day.... But now the distant mirage of my previous life which consisted of waking up at the socially responsible hour of 9am, eating as I pleased, watching cooking shows on TV, and cleaning, taunts me as I stand to take on even more in just one more week - once school actually starts. I am sure that in my lectures and studying, I'll be daydreaming of coffee with Debbie and Smurf, errands with my Dad, and riding in the family boat, my greatest worry only being if I put on enough sunscreen.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hilarity Vol. II

It's funny how Jenny and I became (Jenny: heavily, me: haphazardly) involved in science research. Obviously I now assume it's because we were together when we first got started. This is what Alice's card from yesterday is referring to: lots of corruption going on in 5th hour GBE. Also, I cannot take any credit for this artwork; it was all Jenny.

How come NEJM and Nature haven't embraced this?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hilarity Vol. I

So I'm cleaning out my room in preparation for the onslaught of studying that will hopefully take place soon. Since I've started, I've discovered that being both extremely sentimental and a mild hoarder is not a good mix. I'm mostly unearthing junk that should have been thrown out years ago. However, some things I've come across are just... gold. Please click on all the photos to enlarge the hilarity.

best part: "Offer not valid when upset or mad at you" from Debbie

Jessie, when can I collect this IOU?

This one is a mess. But how little has changed in 10 years!

My favorite so far:
envelope: go gain some weight
card: the loss of the little intelligence you possess.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Silverspring by Eisley

I don't think mere words can do this cover of Stevie Nick's Silverspring its due justice. It is simply perfection.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Today is my last day of work and as with all things that come to an end, I'm feeling sentimental. In looking back, I'm thinking of everything with hazy affection, warmth, and tenderness. In life, I hope I'll always remember only good things and let everything else go like a whispery breath of air.

(Photo via weheartit)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

PW's Iced Coffee

There have been many times when I wish I could handle drinking coffee (and perhaps many more coming soon). Unfortunately, the caffeine is too fast, too furious for me, and the crash that always comes a few hours later is terrible. The only times I will risk a cup is when it's creamy and white, laden with creams and sugars, tasting like coffee ice cream.

This iced coffee looks like it might make a believer out of me. And Pioneer Woman hardly ever gets it wrong.

(Photos from the Pioneer Woman)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


"Optimism is always a risk worth taking."
(Photo by Jenny Phebe)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Short White Coat Bound...

"There’s nothing wishy-washy about white. White is the color of yes."
Lois Smith Brady

Acceptance to medical school: one of the largest leaps of faith that I've ever attempted. Thanks to everyone who has supported me along the way; I am forever indebted to you. It was your faith in me, encouragement, and love, that have brought me so, so far. And it's the stuff that will lead me to become everything that I've ever hoped for.

(Quote from the New York Times, top photo by Tabsinth, bottom via weheartit)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

On Loving What You Do

Though written by a pregnant and Christian blogger, the message of work hating and loving what you do can be applied universally. How often I catch myself grumbling over the minutiae of my day... I hope to cultivate the courage and the patience to find pleasure in my work, to honor and appreciate those who are working beside me, and to end thoughts of "if only I had...." I want to run forward without looking back.

(Photo via weheartit)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Elle Fanning in Marie Claire

Since when was being 13 so elegant? I saw these pictures of Elle Fanning in Marie Claire and aren't they just the right mix of girly and gawky? When I was 13, I was certainly a little more than just a bit awkward with my huge round glasses, bleached khaki pants, and Mickey Mouse sweatshirts. She, however, is simply charming.


(Photos from Marie Claire)