Tuesday, February 26, 2013

C'est La Vie

So I found out this morning that I'm doing clinical rotations at Oakwood Hospital next year. Though it isn't what I wanted, there are definitely some good things about training at this site. This is me trying to be nonchalantly unaffected and positive... And it's a lot like how I'm dealing with the impending snow storm by looking at this photo from a warm and clear yesterday.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

On Winter, Oranges, and a Belated Birthday

I once wrote an essay about my sister and oranges and winter. In it, I recalled afternoons from the one year we overlapped in high school and how I was afraid that maybe we'd never again be able to share the same intertwining lives we did at that time. Fast forward almost 10 years (!!!), and here we are still. Now it's not just oranges that bond us together, but so, so much more. I am and will always be forever grateful.

Sorry this is so late, but happy birthday to my sister!

(photo via weheartit)